Hotfix 0.8.1a[]
CHANGE #740 - moved Military Barracks to level 4 as intended CHANGE #744 - you can now compare armors on ground CHANGE #743 - allow numbers, underscores and apostrophes in names CHANGE #741 - plasma rifle minimum range reduced CHANGE #741 - plasma shotgun shot cost reduced to 4 CHANGE #741 - more formerCRI spawn (increase plasma weapon drop rate) CHANGE #741 - cold status buffed slightly CHANGE #741 - slight buff to mod drop rate FIX #--- - fixed crash related to dying from fire FIX #742 - pathfinder check on Anomaly, no longer unreachable exit FIX #740 - fixed Military Barracks issues FIX #739 - fixed challenge equipment (AoSh, AoC and AoOC) FIX #--- - particle brightness not dependant on active light count FIX #--- - particles are now visible on shader quality 0