Jupiter Hell Wiki
Jupiter Hell Wiki

The accuracy mod pack is one of the 3 basic mod packs. The perks it provides tend to be related to durability, weapon swapping, guard, and ammo.


Tinkering pack for adding durability, magazine size, melee guard and reload perks.


Like all basic mod packs, the number of copies allowed per equipment are based on the level of Whizkid, increasing up to 3.

The choices shown will always be in the order given below, so with no levels invested into Whizkid, you will only see the topmost 2 options. However, you cannot add a duplicate of an already existing perk, so if a perk which already exists on that equipment would normally be shown, it will instead show the next item on the list.


Body armor Headgear Melee
Pistol Semi-automatic Shotgun
SMG Automatic and Rotary Launcher

Alternative Sources[]
