Jupiter Hell Wiki

For information on the ADV armor modifiers implemented in patch 0.8.5, or the headgear modifiers added in patch 0.9.2, check this page.

When damage is taken, it is applied to the armor first, then its protection value is subtracted from that value and applied to the player character if the result is higher than zero.

Most armor pieces have attribute of durability. This value indicates how much damage the armor can withstand. As it decreases, so do the protection values, until the armor disappears or breaks when this value hits 0.

Body armor[]

Tier Protection vs Dodge penalty Durability Mod capacity
Sl. Im. P/P
Basic armor 4 2 1 -10% 600 2
Marine armor 8 4 2 -20% 700 2
Combat armor 12 6 3 -30% 800 2
CRI combat armor[1] 16 8 4 -10% 1000 1
ENV armor[2] 8 4 2 -10% 1000 2
  1. Only found in a vault at the CRI Armory.
  2. Only found at the Refueling Base. Comes with modifiers Heated, Fireproof and Filtered.

Exotic armor[]

Tier Protection vs Perk Dodge penalty Durability Mod capacity
Sl. Im. P/P
Ablative armor 12 6 3 Ablative -10% 2000 1
Assault armor[1] 10 4 2 Bloodrush -20% 1000 1
Duramesh scout armor 8 4 2 Duramesh -10% 1
Guardian armor 4 2 1 Guardian 0% 1000 1
Infiltration armor[2] 8 4 2 Ambush -10% 1000 1
Medi-fiber armor 6 3 2 Medi-fiber -10% 1000 1
Meditech armor[3] 8 4 2 MediTech -20% 2000 1
Necrotic armor 16 8 4 Necrotic -20% 200 1
  1. Only obtainable when playing as the Marine.
  2. Only obtainable when playing as the Scout.
  3. Only obtainable when playing as the Technician.

Unique armor[]

Protection vs Dodge penalty Durability Mod capacity
Sl. Im. P/P
Shadowcloak 8 4 2 -0% 1000 0
Cybersuit 16 8 3 -40% (L1); -30% (L2+) 1000 6+2/lvl
Exosuit 16 8 4 -0% 1000 0


Headgear can offer some protection like standard armor, but their main strength is the bonuses they provide, like heat vision and protection from status effects. The protection against "crit damage" they advertise affects only the extra damage done by dash attacks from beast enemies like reavers and kerberi.

Tier Protection Perks Durability Mod capacity
Basic helmet 0 600 2
Marine helmet 1 700 2
Combat helmet 2 800 2
CRI combat helmet[1] 3 1000 2
ADV gasmask 0 Sealed 500 1
ADV tactical visor 0 Aim assist 500 1
ADV combat visor 0 500 1
ADV combat headset 0 Darkvision 500 1
ENV helmet[2] 1

Heatvision 6

1000 2
  1. Inaccessible in game.
  2. Only found in a chest at Noxious Hollow.

Exotic headgear[]

Tier Protection Perk Durability Mod capacity
Adrenal helmet[1] 1 Cleanse protocol 1000 1
Analytic visor 0 Tactical computer 1000 1
Battle helmet 2 Battle hardened 1000 1
Blast helmet 3 Blast shield 1000 1
Command visor 0 Red access 1000 1
Infiltrator helmet[2] 1 Boost protocol 1000 1
Supply visor 0 Supply access 1000 1
Vaporscan helmet[3] 1 Smoke screamer 1000 1
  1. Only obtainable when playing as the Marine.
  2. Only obtainable when playing as the Scout.
  3. Only obtainable when playing as the Technician.

Unique headgear[]

Protection Durability
Fiend Crown 2 Infinite
Overlord 0 Infinite
Firecrown 0 Infinite
